Life Coaching Classes and Workshops
Classes for a More Fulfilled Life – Become a Life Coach Training – Couples Weekend Retreat!
Our group life coaching classes are intended to work in tandem with one-on-one sessions.
Think of them as a way to get a “swift spiritual kick to the head that will alter your reality forever,” in a good way! Depending on your needs and circumstances, we think you will find great benefit from our Friday evening workshops.
Have you ever wanted to be a Life Coach? We can help! Our training course is designed to equip you with all the necessary tools to become a working coach.
Click here to learn more.
Whether you are struggling in your current relationship or just looking to reignite that spark you once had, our Couples Weekend Retreat can help! Join us in a two day intensive class that will strengthen and deepen your connection with your partner. Click here for more information.
Life demands that we connect with people in both individual and group settings. Our approach is to provide you with opportunities that will enhance your life and make it easier for you to interact effectively in your community environment.
Click Here for our current schedule of classes.
Create Close Relationships With Life Coaching Classes
Whether you want to improve your marriage, learn to be more sociable, or find peace with yourself, this class can help. It’s part communication, part kick in the butt to take action, and part better understanding how life works. Join us for the workshop; you’ll be sure to benefit in all your relationships.
Click here for more information.
Increase Emotional Intelligence With Life Coaching Classes
Emotional Intelligence (previously: Authentic Presence Workshop) is an intense and insightful weekend life coaching workshop in a safe and private setting. Whether you’re looking to make changes in your family, intimate relationships, career or spiritual aspects of your life, this class offers tremendous value for you. One recent workshop participant said: “For the first time I see my life clearly and with deep understanding. I now realize that I’m truly responsible for my life, and best of all, I have the tools to create what I most desire.”
Click here for more information.
Understanding Yourself
Understand Yourself Better is an intense and insightful weekend workshop in a safe and private setting. Whether you’re looking to make changes with your family, intimate relationships, career, or spiritual aspects of your life, this life coaching class offers tremendous value for you. One recent participant said: “For the first time I see my life clearly and with deep understanding. I now realize that I’m truly responsible for my life, and best of all, I have the tools to create what I most desire.”
Click here for more information
Understanding Others
Understand Others Better is an intense and insightful weekend workshop in a safe and private setting. Whether you’re looking to make changes with your family, intimate relationships, career, or spiritual aspects of your life, this life coaching class offers tremendous value for you. One recent participant said: “For the first time I see my life clearly and with deep understanding. I now realize that I’m truly responsible for my life, and best of all, I have the tools to create what I most desire.”
Click here for more information.
Communication Skills
People tend to respond to what others say with their own thoughts. This is a natural part of the ebb and flow of conversation. However, it often means they aren’t listening.
Even though we all “know” how to listen we often do a poor job of it. True listening takes effort and practice. How will you know you aren’t listening?
Click here for more information.
Become a Life Coach Training
*Learn coaching skills and business tools to become a working life coach.
*Our training program focuses first and foremost on your own transformation.
*Participate in a community in which you learn to influence those around you.
*Learn the difference between coaching and couseling
*Gain experience from a number of seasoned coaches in the Austin area
Click here to learn more.
Couples Jump-Start Weekend
Our 24 hour couple’s intensive weekend retreat may be the answer. Couple’s Jump-Start is an intensive relationship class that helps you discover the root of your relationship problems and points you down the road of a happy and successful future. Every couple is unique and different, requiring custom solutions for your particular obstacles. Whether the issues are fidelity, anger, control, jealousy, poor connection, lack of communication, or feelings of not being good enough, we can help you identify the cause and to implement solutions that are simple, practical, and effective.
Click here for more information.