The Brain-Gut Connection: A New Hope for Anxiety and Relationship Health

The Brain-Gut Connection: A New Hope for Anxiety and Relationship Health

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

In today’s world, anxiety and negative thoughts are more common than ever. Did you know that around 31% of adults in the U.S. deal with an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives? This widespread issue impacts not only individuals but also their relationships. That's why it's crucial to explore new and holistic approaches to mental health.

A promising piece of research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine has shed light on an interesting connection between gut health and mental well-being. The study suggests that Lactobacillus, a common bacterium found in yogurt and other fermented foods, might help reduce anxiety and depression.

The Brain-Gut Connection- Anxiety Relationship Life Coach Austin

The Study: Mice and Microbiomes

In this study, researchers looked at how Lactobacillus affects the gut microbiome in mice. They found that having enough of this bacterium helps maintain interferon gamma, a substance that helps the body manage stress. Essentially, Lactobacillus seems to protect against anxiety and depression.

The team took the gut bacteria from mildly stressed mice and transferred it to nonstressed, germ-free mice. The result was surprising: the recipient mice started showing signs of mood disorders. When stressed, mice with lower levels of Lactobacillus had more activity in brain areas linked to fear and anxiety compared to those with higher levels of the bacterium.

What This Means for Us

These findings suggest that we might be able to treat anxiety and depression with probiotics, offering a natural and accessible solution. For those struggling with anxiety, adding probiotic-rich foods to their diet could be a simple yet effective way to improve mental health. Better mental well-being can also enhance relationships by reducing stress-related conflicts and creating a more supportive environment.

The Role of Counseling and Coaching

At Life Coach Austin, we understand that mental health and relationships are closely linked. Our counseling and coaching services address both individual and relationship challenges, helping clients manage anxiety and negative thoughts holistically. The link between gut health and mental well-being shows how interconnected our bodies are. At Life Coach Austin, we’re here to support you on the journey to restoring your mind and relationships.


Daily Dopamine Boost Mind and Relationships Life coach Austin

How Daily Dopamine Can Boost Your Mind and Relationships

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

Life can get pretty hectic, and finding that sweet spot between feeling good and keeping your relationships, especially with your spouse, on track can be tough. But guess what? The secret might just be in giving yourself some daily dopamine. This little neurotransmitter is all about pleasure and motivation, and knowing how to boost it can make a world of difference.
Daily Dopamine Boost Mind Relationships Life Coach Austin

Why Dopamine Matters

Dopamine, often called the "feel-good" chemical, makes us feel happy and motivated. When something awesome happens, our brain releases dopamine, making us want to do that thing again. By learning how to give ourselves these dopamine boosts, we can feel more balanced and positive.

Easy Ways to Get Your Daily Dopamine

1. Get Moving

Exercise is a fantastic way to boost dopamine. Whether it's a quick walk, a jog, or a bike ride, try to get in at least 30 minutes of activity most days. It’s great for your body and your mood.

2. Eat Right

Your diet plays a big role in dopamine production. Eat lots of protein-rich foods like lean meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, plus fruits and veggies. Bananas, avocados, and nuts are especially good. Don’t forget those omega-3s from fish or flaxseeds!

3. Chill Out with Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness can help increase dopamine by reducing stress. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. It’s a simple way to feel calmer and happier over time.

4. Set and Smash Goals

Achieving small, realistic goals gives you a dopamine boost. Whether it’s finishing a project at work, learning a new hobby, or tidying up the house, that sense of accomplishment feels great.

5. Connect with People

Hanging out with friends and family is a natural dopamine booster. Make time for meaningful conversations and fun activities, whether it’s in person or over video calls.

6. Sleep Well

Good sleep is crucial for balanced dopamine levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night and keep a regular sleep schedule to wake up feeling energized.

7. Do What You Love

Spend time on hobbies you enjoy. Whether it’s painting, gardening, playing music, or reading, doing what makes you happy naturally boosts dopamine.

8. Listen to Music

Music has a powerful effect on our emotions and can give a quick dopamine hit. Put on your favorite tunes and feel the instant mood lift.

How Dopamine Helps Your Relationships

Feeling good about yourself means you’re more likely to have positive interactions with others, including your spouse. By incorporating these dopamine-boosting habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your mood, which in turn improves communication, empathy, and connection with your partner.

Tips for Better Relationships:

  • Listen Actively: Really pay attention to your spouse. Listen to understand, not just to reply.
  • Show Gratitude: Regularly say thank you for the little things. It makes both of you feel good.
  • Spend Quality Time Together: Do fun things together to create happy memories.
  • Communicate Openly: Share your thoughts and feelings honestly and kindly.

Get Help from Life Coach Austin

If you’re looking to feel better and improve your relationships, Life Coach Austin is here to help. Founder David Cantu says, "We believe everyone deserves to feel happy and connected. Our coaching sessions, whether in-person or virtual, are designed to give you the tools to create a balanced life and a stronger relationship."

Ready to make a change? Reach out to Life Coach Austin today and start your journey to a happier, healthier you. As David Cantu puts it, "Let’s work together to build the life and relationships you’ve always wanted."

Conquer Negative Thinking- How to Overcome Automatic Thoughts Life Coach Austin

Conquer Negative Thinking: How to Overcome Automatic Thoughts

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

Let's delve into a topic that's close to the heart of David Cantu, the founder of Life Coach Austin in Texas—how to overcome automatic thoughts and break free from negative thinking patterns. David often emphasizes the profound impact our thoughts have on our well-being and personal growth.

According to David Cantu, "Our thoughts are like seeds; they can either grow into beautiful flowers or tangled weeds in our minds." It's true! Our thoughts wield serious power—they shape how we feel, how we act, and even how we see the world around us. David believes that understanding this relationship is crucial for personal development.

Conquer Negative Thinking- How to Overcome Automatic Thoughts Life Coach Austin

Ever noticed how a single negative thought can send you spiraling? David Cantu often talks about how thoughts about ourselves, others, or the future can set off a chain reaction of negativity, affecting our emotions and behaviors. External events, like the inflation or economic downturns, can amplify this cycle, leaving us feeling down and out.

David draws inspiration from Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), pioneered by Albert Ellis. "RET teaches us to challenge our negative interpretations and reframe our thoughts," he says. This approach helps us change how we feel—a real game-changer!

Automatic thoughts—ever had a thought pop into your head seemingly out of nowhere? That's an automatic thought. David emphasizes the importance of recognizing and dealing with these thoughts swiftly. "Being aware of our automatic thoughts empowers us to take control of our mental well-being," he advises.

Our beliefs can totally influence these automatic thoughts, leading to biases like confirmation bias, according to David. "Recognizing and challenging these biases is key to maintaining a balanced perspective," he suggests.

Automatic thoughts don't just hang out in our heads—they spill over into our mental health, relationships, and performance. They can amp up anxiety, bring on the blues, and make it harder to reach our goals. David believes that understanding where these thoughts come from is the first step in putting them in their place.

So, how can we take control and overcome automatic thoughts? "Stay alert and notice those automatic thoughts, especially when things get tough," David recommends. "Documenting these thoughts helps spot patterns and biases, showing us how our thoughts shape our feelings and actions." Once we know what's going on upstairs, we can actively challenge and reframe those thoughts. It's a game-changer for how we feel and what we do.

David Cantu often compares changing these automatic thoughts to hitting the mental gym. "It takes practice, but over time, we can shift towards more positive and helpful thinking patterns," he assures.

Understanding and managing these automatic thoughts is all about personal growth and mental wellness. By facing them head-on, shaking up our perspective, and adopting new ways of thinking, we can boost our emotional well-being, rock our relationships, and smash our goals. As David Cantu says, "It's a journey of growth and self-improvement, and every step counts."

Life Coach Austin Words of Affirmation in Your Marriage

5 Ways to Inject Words of Affirmation into your Marriage

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

Love is the heartbeat of marriage, and there's something truly magical about the way words of affirmation weave their spell into the fabric of our relationships. In the beautiful journey of marriage, these words hold the power to ignite sparks, nurture bonds, and create moments that last a lifetime. Let's take a cozy stroll through the heart of marriage, and the gentle wisdom of our dear friend, Skip Swies, a Coach at Life Coach Austin, for words of affirmation: 5 ways 🖐️

Building Your Love Story- Embracing Words of Affirmation in Your Marriage

1. Let's Define Love: Words of Affirmation Edition

Picture this: cozy evenings, intertwined hands, and whispers of sweet nothings. That's the essence of words of affirmation in marriage – those tender expressions of love, appreciation, and encouragement that dance between partners. From the simplest "I love you" to heartfelt compliments that light up the room, these words are the secret sauce that keeps our love alive and thriving.

Skip Swies puts it beautifully, "In marriage, words are more than just words; they're the melody of our love story. With words of affirmation, we craft a symphony of affection that resonates deep within the hearts of our partners."

2. The Power of Love Notes

In the cozy nooks and crannies of marriage, words of affirmation work their magic like warm hugs on a chilly night. They have the power to lift spirits, melt hearts, and turn ordinary moments into precious memories. These words, sprinkled with love and sincerity, remind our partners just how cherished they are.

According to Skip Swies, "In the gentle embrace of marriage, words of affirmation become the love notes we write on each other's hearts. They're the whispers of encouragement that echo in the quiet moments, and the gentle reassurances that we're in this together."

3. Let's Make Love Louder: The Art of Affirmation

Ready to sprinkle a little extra love into your marriage? It's time to embrace the art of affirmation! Here's how:

  • Sprinkle Kindness: Shower your partner with compliments and praise that highlight their unique beauty, strengths, and quirks.

  • Speak from the Heart: Let your words be a reflection of your deepest feelings and desires. Be genuine, be sincere, and watch love blossom.

  • Create a Love Ritual: Make words of affirmation a part of your daily routine. Whether it's a morning affirmation or a bedtime whisper, keep the love flowing.

4. Love is in the Air: Creating a Love-Filled Atmosphere

When words of affirmation become the soundtrack of your marriage, they infuse every moment with warmth, tenderness, and joy. They create an atmosphere where love thrives, bonds deepen, and hearts overflow with gratitude.

Skip Swies shares, "In the dance of marriage, words of affirmation set the tempo for a love that's as timeless as it is true. They're the gentle reminders that we're loved, valued, and cherished beyond measure."

5. Let's Keep the Love Alive: A Daily Affirmation Practice

Ready to sprinkle a little extra love into your marriage? It's time to make words of affirmation a daily practice. Whether it's through love notes, heartfelt conversations, or random acts of kindness, keep the love alive and thriving.

In the cozy nooks and crannies of marriage, words of affirmation become the glue that holds us together. They're the whispered promises, the shared dreams, and the tender reminders that love is the greatest gift of all. So, let's keep the love alive, one word at a time. Do you have relationship questions?

Get answers and the support you've been craving with Life Coach Austin.
+ Schedule a virtual or in-person appointment today!
Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Harmonious Relationship: Insights from Marriage Counseling

Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Harmonious Relationship: Insights from Marriage Counseling

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

In the intricate dance of love and partnership, setting boundaries is not just an option but a necessity for maintaining harmony and respect. As couples navigate the ups and downs of life together, understanding the significance of healthy boundaries can make all the difference in fostering a strong, lasting connection. Let's explore the importance of setting boundaries in relationships, drawing insights from marriage counseling sessions and wisdom shared by the life coaches of Life Coach Austin.

Why Healthy Boundaries Matter

Boundaries serve as the invisible lines that define where one person ends and another begins in a relationship. They establish mutual respect, personal autonomy, and emotional safety. Without clear boundaries, couples may find themselves in a cycle of misunderstandings, conflicts, and emotional turmoil.

The seasoned experts in marriage counseling emphasizes the pivotal role of boundaries in nurturing a harmonious relationship. Boundaries provide a framework for healthy interactions. They communicate your needs, values, and limits, while also respecting those of your partner. Without boundaries, couples may experience feelings of resentment, frustration, or even a loss of self-identity.

Navigating Boundaries in Marriage Counseling

During marriage counseling sessions, couples have the opportunity to explore and redefine their boundaries in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Through guided conversations and exercises, they can identify areas where boundaries may be lacking or need adjustment.

The life coaches highlight the collaborative nature of this process. Marriage counseling offers a safe space for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their needs and expectations. Together, we work to establish clear boundaries that promote mutual understanding and compassion.

Practical Strategies for Establishing Boundaries

  1. Open Communication:Foster an environment of open communication where both partners feel comfortable expressing their needs, concerns, and boundaries.

  2. Identify Core Values: Reflect on your individual values and priorities, and discuss how they align within the context of your relationship.

  3. Set Limits:Clearly define what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable in the relationship, and be prepared to enforce those boundaries if necessary.

  4. Respect Each Other's Autonomy:Recognize and respect each other's autonomy, allowing space for individual growth and self-expression.

  5. Regular Check-Ins:Schedule regular check-ins to revisit and adjust boundaries as needed, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

In the intricate tapestry of marriage, setting healthy boundaries is an essential component for fostering a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Through the guidance of marriage counseling and the wisdom shared by experts like those at Life Coach Austin, couples can navigate this journey with clarity, respect, and mutual understanding. As we embrace the power of boundaries, we pave the way for deeper intimacy, trust, and connection in our relationships.

Marriage counseling provides couples with the tools and support they need to cultivate a relationship grounded in love, respect, and shared growth. By setting healthy boundaries, couples can create a foundation for a lifetime of happiness together.

By prioritizing the establishment of healthy boundaries, couples can embark on a journey of mutual growth, understanding, and love.

Life Coach Austin 5 Love Languages
Quality Time Matters- 8 Relationship Counseling Austin Ways to Make Every Moment Meaningful Life Coach Austin

Quality Time Matters: 8 Relationship Counseling Austin Ways to Make Every Moment Meaningful

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

So, spending quality time with your partner is like the secret sauce for a healthy relationship, and guess what? Our relationship counseling here in Austin is your wingman for those meaningful moments. We're talking about quality time, one of the 5 Love Languages, and it's all about creating those moments that give your emotional connection a serious boost. In this guide, we're keeping it real and exploring super practical ways to sprinkle some quality time magic into your routine. Let's make sure the time you spend together is not just filler but genuinely meaningful and relationship-enhancing with the awesome support of our relationship counseling in Austin.

Date Nights

First up, let's talk date nights – the superhero of keeping things fresh. Whether you're exploring new restaurants, trying out cool activities together, or revisiting your favorite spots, these outings are like a breath of fresh air for your relationship.

Tech-Free Time

Now, let's kick those digital distractions to the curb with some tech-free time. Set aside those gadgets for a bit, so you can both focus on each other without any electronic interference. Trust me, it'll seriously amp up the quality of your interactions.

Sharing Hobbies

Ever thought about doing what you both enjoy? Hiking, cooking, playing a board game – whatever floats your boat. Sharing hobbies is like a secret sauce for strengthening your bond and creating that camaraderie that makes your connection even more awesome.

Weekend Getaways

And hey, why not spice things up with occasional weekend getaways? Break free from the routine and dive into creating lasting memories in new and exciting settings. Our relationship counseling in Austin is here to sprinkle some extra guidance on those getaway plans.

Cooking Together

Cooking together, attending events, enjoying nature walks, and volunteering – these are all golden opportunities for fun, bonding, and making memories. Our relationship counseling in Austin is all about tailoring these examples to fit your unique couple vibe. We're here to make sure the time you invest in each other is not just time well spent but downright meaningful and fulfilling.

So, in the grand quest of building a rock-solid relationship, spending quality time is the name of the game. And with the guidance of our relationship counseling in Austin, we're not just talking about being present – we're talking about being present and attentive. Let's make each shared moment a high-five to the strength of your connection and the depth of your love. Ready for some relationship magic? Let's do this!

Life Coach Austin 5 Love Languages
Tackling Modern Conflicts with Couples Counseling in Austin, TX

Love in the Digital Age: Tackling Modern Couple Conflicts with Couples Counseling in Austin

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Personal Growth, Relationships

Step into the world of love in the digital age, right here in Austin. We're talking about the real stuff – the ups and downs modern couples face. From dealing with tricky communication breakdowns and the constant pull of technology to financial stress, intimacy hiccups, unmet expectations, and the whole adventure of parenting differences. Let’s unravel the secrets to making relationships stronger in today's fast-paced world of romance with couples counseling in Austin.

Communication Breakdown:

Let's dive into the heart of a strong relationship: communication. When we don't really understand each other, misinterpret things, or keep our feelings bottled up, it creates tension. It's like there's a barrier between us, and we need to break it down. Fixing communication issues isn't just about saying the right words – it's about making sure we both are heard and understood. So, let's work together to build a foundation of trust for a healthier, more connected relationship.

Technology and Distraction:

Navigating the digital age comes with its advantages, but it also introduces numerous distractions that can have a significant impact on our brains and relationships. The constant use of screens and social media has the potential to interfere with the quality time we spend with loved ones. As we immerse ourselves in the digital realm, the danger lies in the potential erosion of genuine connections and shared moments. It becomes crucial for individuals and couples alike to set clear boundaries on technology usage, ensuring that quality time takes precedence over screen time. By consciously prioritizing meaningful interactions and reducing the digital distractions, we can safeguard the health of our brains and cultivate more fulfilling relationships with those around us with couples counseling in Austin.

Financial Stress:

Money matters, right? They can often be a source of conflict. Different financial goals, spending habits, unexpected expenses – they can strain your relationship. Couples often come to us for guidance on budgeting, financial planning, and creating an open space for money talks to ease that stress, incorporating couples counseling in Austin for added support.

Intimacy Issues:

Let's talk about the nitty-gritty – physical and emotional intimacy. Stress, exhaustion, and changing priorities can sometimes take a toll. We’ve got tools to address these issues and help reignite that flame between you two, incorporating couples counseling in Austin for a personalized approach.

Unmet Expectations:

Unspoken expectations or unmet needs can create frustration. Let's work on identifying and communicating what you both expect, fostering a mindset of collaboration for a smoother and more beneficial relationship. With couples counseling in Austin, we will navigate these expectations together.

Parenting Differences:

Parenting can be a challenge, especially with different styles and views. I'm here to guide you on effective co-parenting, fostering understanding, and encouraging open communication about your parenting philosophies, with the added support of couples counseling in Austin.

We’re all about recognizing and tackling the contemporary issues that might be causing conflicts. Let's work together on improving your communication, navigating the digital world, managing financial stress, and addressing the challenges of modern life, with the invaluable support of couples counseling in Austin. By understanding and overcoming these obstacles, you can embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling and harmonious marriage. Ready to dive in? Let's do this!

Life Coach Austin 5 Love Languages
Life Coach Austin 5 Love Languages

Beyond Communication: 5 Love Languages for a Fulfilling Marriage

Life Coach AustinArticles, Emotion, Love, Relationships

Do you and your partner speak the language of love that can bring you even closer? As your dedicated marriage counselor here in Austin, we're diving into the world of the 5 Love Languages – it's like a key to unlocking those deep connections you’ve been craving. Let's break down these 5 Love Languages and see how adding some purposeful tactics into your marriage counseling takes your relationship to the next level.

Words of Affirmation: Showering Love with Encouragement

Envision a canvas where words paint a masterpiece. For those who appreciate "words of affirmation," we'll guide you to communicate uplifting and supportive words. It's like a gentle breeze that feeds your connection. Positive communication can transform your relationship landscape into a haven of trust and affirmation.

Acts of Service: Crafting Love through Thoughtful Deeds

If you're all about those thoughtful deeds, we're here for it! "Acts of service" enthusiasts feel the love from every little gesture. As your marriage counselor, we'll guide you to recognize the importance of these actions, from sharing responsibilities to lending a helping hand. Together, you can build a partnership of mutual support.

Receiving Gifts: Love Wrapped in Symbolic Tokens

Gifts are not just about the presents; they carry meaning. In marriage counseling, we’ll explore how gifts can encourage meaningful actions between you two. Through the careful selection of gifts, partners communicate a profound understanding of each other's desires and needs, helping them be known and cherished. It's just one way to bring spark into your relationship. 

Quality Time: Crafting Moments of Connection

In the hustle and bustle of life, carving out time for shared moments has never been more needed. For those whose love language is "quality time," our marriage counseling is focused on being fully present with each other. We'll offer strategies to help you create moments that linger and truly matter. 

Remember, the key to quality time is genuine presence and attention. Make sure the time spent together is meaningful for both of you.

Physical Touch: The Dance of Connection

In the language of love, touch speaks volumes. "Physical touch" is like the melody that resonates most deeply for some. In marriage counseling, we'll help you understand the significance of touch for your partner and then guide you to fostering a deeper bond.

By helping you as a couple uncover and celebrate each other's preferred love languages, you’ll be on a path of rediscovery and lasting intimacy. Fluent in the language of love, our couples are counseled through the lens of the 5 Love Languages. Join us in the Austin area as we embark on a journey where you are heard and connections are made. Ready for that journey? Let's do this!

Life Coach Austin 5 Love Languages

Mindfulness, the Start of The Art

David CantuArticles, The Art of Love

Habit, like thinking and feeling, can lead us to a life of fulfillment or of misery. The difference isn’t simply between good habits and bad, but awareness of those habits. Too often couples embark on laudable paths of responsibility and family only to discover years or decades later that something essential is missing. They have lived on autopilot and forgotten to prioritize their love. Mindfulness is the opposite of autopilot.

When people meditate they close their eyes, shut out the world, and then focus the mind. Mindfulness is also a focus of the mind, with eyes open, aware of self and the world. Mindfulness observes habits and is in charge of them, rather than allowing them to take over and become autopilot. Mindfulness is open eyed meditation.

Do you lament that your love life is not what it once was? It’s likely that somewhere along the way you took your eyes off the prize. Perhaps you were overwhelmed with the demands of life. Work, children, finances, and poor health can be daunting obstacles. Solving life’s challenges is not easy for anybody and we all experience failures in life that lead to failures in love. Start to love again with mindfulness.

Mindfulness is not thought, it is focused, intentional thought. Mindfulness is not positive thinking, but positive thinking can be one of its tools. With mindfulness you can develop a vast arsenal of tools to help you create the love you seek; it is one of the most powerful skills for a joyful, peaceful life because it is mastery of thought and being.

Mindfulness is the embodiment of responsibility and curiosity. It is self awareness with acceptance. It embraces vulnerability, forgiveness, and empathy. Mindfulness can help heal your wounds and create a clear path for the love you seek. It is the ultimate discipline for love.

How do you do this? Focus your attention on something. Maybe an object, an emotion, some thought. Next, keep your mind on this one thing. How long are you able to keep your mental attention? Regardless of your success, consider how much of a challenge it can be to remain focused. Now, do that all day. Observe your thoughts, emotions, and physical experiences. Observe your reactions to people and events in each moment, with acceptance. From this perspective choose and take action. That is mindfulness.

Do Mindfulness Now

How do I feel now?
What am I thinking now?
How am I affected by this situation?
How am I affecting my partner?
Who do I want to be?
What do I choose to do, now?

To Know Love be Mindful

Personal Growth | Life Coach Austin, Texas

Talking with a Life Coach Increases Emotional Intelligence

David CantuEmotion

One of the best aspects of talking with a life coach is that each session is specifically tailored to meet your needs. Based on the goals you provide (or outcomes you prefer), as well as your personalized answers, a life coach can adjust their skill set in order to best meet your needs. Those working on relationships will receive far different feedback from those working to advance their career, and so on. It’s a completely individualized experience from the start, as well as each individual session.

One aspect that remains somewhat universal, however, is that of emotional intelligence. When talking with your life coach, this might be something you wish to explore without even knowing it. Oftentimes when people are looking to become more mature or make better big-picture decisions — again, even if they don’t know it — they’re looking to grow in the area of emotional intelligence.

This differs from traditional intelligence as it deals directly with one’s ability to comprehend relationships and their reaction to everyday events on an emotional level. It’s the relationship equivalent to that of books or studying. Just like with schoolwork, the more you study and read up on a specific topic, the better equipped you are to take on the subject. Just like studying from a book, one can learn to better control their emotional health.

Taking the Course

There’s even an entire course dedicated to that of emotional intelligence. Whether you work on this aspect in an individual setting or through the proven workshop, with a little dedication you can work to improve yourself immensely.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how working on it can improve your personal and professional lives, click the tab or this link. You can even get signed up today!